More Safety for You, your Family & Friends.

Our award-winning app will inform your selected contacts if you are in danger. With a single click, your guards know where you are and can help you immediently.

Screenshot - ProtectMii: Safety App

Every 7th woman is a victim of sexual violence.

Alarming study from Germany.

*Source: Terre des Femmes, EU Commission

Way Home

Women and children particularly at risk

More than 9 out of 10 rape victims and more than 8 out of 10 sexual assault victims are girls and women.

brutal, sudden & ruthless

Perpetrators usually seek out physically inferior people who are traveling alone. Attacks occur suddenly and with high violence.

Perpetrators often get away

Only 5% of sexual crimes are reported. Out of 100 reported rapes, on average only 13 end in a conviction.

We offer Safety!

Get instant help through your phone.

your Guards get alarmed

Your personally selected contacts will be contacted at an alarm automatically.

your Guards get Live location

Your selected guards are navigated to your danger zone with a simple click or can forward the data to the police.

no monitoring

Move freely without constant observation. Your data will only be transmitted after an alarm is triggered.

worldwide use

The app is available in over 149 countries and eight different languages.

Screenshot Navigation ProtectMii

The Fastest Alarm Ever!

Parachute Mode

*US & EU patented

ProtectMii Parachute Mode Step 1
ProtectMii Parachute Mode Step 2
ProtectMii Parachute Mode Step 3

Use Cases


ProtectMii Model: Zara Bohmann

Daily Basis

protect your family & friends

ProtectMii Model: Constanza Hermann

Night Life

way home at late evening

ProtectMii Model: Helena Herner

Uncomfortable Situations

Parking lot, train station

ProtectMii Model: Kelly Zwiebelhofer


running, hiking, mountain biking

Posts on the topic of safety.

Tips, Tricks & News

ProtectMii Model: Helena Herner

Realistic Self Defense

Tips that really help.

Zara Bohmann & Victoria von zur Mühlen PortectMii

Become Partner

Affiliate program for clubs and companies. Protect your club members and employees.


What our Customers say.

Whether for children, concerned parents, seniors, bicycle and motorcycle riders, in the schoolyard, on vacation, at night in the subway or on the way home - the idea as well as the technical implementation is first-class. The app is very easy to use, offers excellent data protection and a high level of security. The price for the annual subscription is extremely low at around 1 euro per month. I am totally thrilled with the app and can really only recommend it. Five stars!
Dimitri Michils
Google Play Store
Finally, a useful app! In increasingly unsafe times, this app is the right companion to always come home safely. We read more and more about assaults and robberies of any kind. This is something to counteract that. You always have your smartphone ready and with you, but a helping person is not always omnipresent, so I can only recommend you to install this app to alert help immediately in an emergency situation.
Christoph Lanwer
Google Play Store
Great app! Immediately tried and works great! Will set this up for my kids, then I'm also more relaxed when they are on the road. Also for me a good solution, because I'm on the road a lot for business and already the one or other time in an unpleasant situation what. I'm happy to pay for it.


Further Questions? Use the Chat Button on the bottom right.

Do my protectors also have to own the app?

Yes! Your guards must also have ProtectMii installed.

What happens if my smartphone is destroyed?

If your smartphone is destroyed after a valid alarm is triggered, our server will still send your most recent alarm data (name, location data, time, battery status) to your guards to ensure maximum protection.

What are the costs of use?

The personal safety app can be downloaded free of charge. Protectors who only use the app to protect relatives and friends can use the app permanently for free! Users who want to be protected by ProtectMii only need to switch to Premium Membership (ca. 1,00 $/month) after the free trial period has expired. The prices depend on the respective country and provider.

Are the police automatically involved?

No! Only your personally selected Guards will be notified. We recommend the guards to additionally involve the police in case of uncertainty. ProtectMii answers the most important W-questions of police officers immediately – WHO, WHEN and WHERE help is needed!